
This command returns the card type of the currently selected card.

If no card is selected or the last selected card is no longer available in the antenna field, the reader will return VHL.ErrCardNotSelected.


Parameters (request frame)


Returned values (response frame)

Name Type/Size Description
SelectedCardType Enumeration (8 bits)

The type of the selected card. Since there are no reliable identification standards amongst card manufacturers, we use a heuristic that examines the UID, its length, and other information as documented here.

Due to the lack of standards, we cannot guarantee the card type is always identified correctly.

  • Default (0x00)
    See description above
  • MifareClassic (0x10)
    MIFARE Classic (1k and 4k variants)
  • Iso14443aGeneric (0x11)
    Generic ISO 14443-4 Type A without ISO 7816-4 support
  • Iso14443aInterIndustry (0x12)
    ISO 14443-4 Type A compliant with ISO7816-4 and MIFARE L3
  • MifareUltraLight (0x13)
    MIFARE Ultralight
  • MifareDesfire (0x14)
    MIFARE DESFire (2k, 4k, and 8k variants)
  • InfineonSle55 (0x15)
    Infineon my-d proximity (SLE55)
  • Iso14443aIntIndustryMif (0x16)
    ISO 14443 Type A (NXP SmartMX/inter-industry)
  • MifarePlusL2 (0x17)
    MIFARE Plus L2 (2k and 4k variants)
  • LEGICAdvantIso14443a (0x18)
    LEGIC advant ISO 14443 Type A
  • MifarePlusL3 (0x19)
    MIFARE Plus L3
  • LEGICPrimeLegacy (0x20)
    LEGIC prime; this is a legacy value - it has been replaced by LEGICPrime .
  • LEGICAdvantLegacy (0x21)
    LEGIC advant (ISO 14443 Type A/ISO 15693); this is a legacy value - it has been replaced by LEGICAdvantIso14443a and LEGICAdvantIso15693.
  • Iso15693 (0x30)
    ISO-15693-compliant label
  • LEGICAdvantIso15693 (0x32)
    LEGIC advant ISO 15693
  • Iso14443bUnknown (0x40)
    ISO 14443-4 Type B without ISO 7816-4 support
  • Iso14443bIntIndustry (0x41)
    ISO 14443-4 Type B with ISO 7816-4 support
  • IClassIso14B (0x42)
    iCLASS via standard-compliant ISO 14443 Type B protocol (Level 3 compatible)
  • IClassIso14B2 (0x50)
    iCLASS via proprietary ISO 14443 Type B protocol derivate (Level 2 compatible)
  • IClass (0x60)
    iCLASS via ISO 15693
  • Felica (0x70)
  • EM4205 (0x80)
    EM 4205/EM 4305
  • EM4100 (0x81)
    EM 4100/EM 4102
  • EM4450 (0x83)
    EM 4450
  • Pyramid (0x84)
    Farpointe Pyramid
  • HidProx32 (0x85)
    HID Prox32
  • Keri (0x86)
  • Quadrakey (0x87)
  • HidIndala (0x88)
    HID Indala ASP
  • HidAwid (0x89)
  • HidProx (0x8A)
    HID Proximity
  • HidIoprox (0x8B)
  • Hitag1S (0x8C)
    HITAG 1 or S
  • Hitag2M (0x8D)
    HITAG 2 Manchester
  • Hitag2B (0x8E)
    HITAG 2 Biphase
  • TTF (0x8F)
    Low-level card type/programmable decoder
  • STSRIX (0x90)
  • SecuraKey (0xA0)
  • GProx (0xA1)
  • HidIndalaSecure (0xA2)
    HID Indala ASP+
  • Cotag (0xA3)
  • Idteck (0xA4)
  • BluetoothMce (0xB0)
    Bluetooth MCE; Mobile Card Emulation over Bluetooth
  • LEGICPrime (0xC0)
    LEGIC prime
  • HidSio (0xE0)
    Abstract card type for reading SIO Elements
  • Piv (0xE5)
    FIPS201 Personal Identity Verification (PIV)